Dating these days is quite the adventure.
A year ago when my ex and I broke up I wasn’t even thinking about how I was going to meet someone new. It didn’t really occur to me that the “better” that I believed to be out there, might not exist. Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t lost hope. I truly believe that when the time is right, I will meet my “mi media naranja” (soul mate….yes I am THAT girl).
I did all the things you’re supposed to after a big break-up. I took some time and I focused my energy on myself, on improving my life, on checking my baggage, and reconnecting with family and friends etc. When the time felt right, I started dating. And that’s when things got interesting….
For most of my adult life I was part of a couple. Now I am exploring a world (the world of dating as an adult), that I’d previousl only heard about from my single girlfriends (who by the way, made it sound a lot more fun than I’ve found it).
The last time I’d be on a date was when I was eighteen. Back in those days I didn’t have to worry about sex, bills or the future. They weren’t part of the equation (although I was hoping sex would be!). If a guy had a car, was fun and could take me to the movies, I was pretty much sold. When I met my ex, I knew it was love because he burnt me not one CD, but two. I mean, who gets that lucky?
Now here I am going on dates with random guys that a friend or acquaintance thinks I’ll “hit it off” with, trying speed dating, creating online dating profiles and going to singles events. What the heck!?!
Since the world of dating as an adult has been both shocking and amusing, I feel that its only right that I share my adventures with others (if only so you don’t make the same mistakes).
So welcome!!! I’d like to introduce you to my new series “The Dating Diaries”.